Study and assess yourself online

Study and move at your own pace without any pressure. Easily assess yourself to enhance your understanding. Learning made easier and flexible.

Learning and Assessment Application Platform (LAAPP)

This program is a Learning and Assessment Application Platform (LAAPP) designed for pupils (learners) from pre-school to senior high school (technical & vocational). The goal of LAAPP is to give learners an opportunity to have good and affordable reading materials on all subjects of their study and to provide a medium for easy assessments of learners’ performances through quizzes, written tests, assignments and examinations. Available now is the assessment aspect of the program for Primary and Junior High Schools learners. Coverage for Senior High School learners and reading materials for all categories of schools to follow soon.

LAAPP is designed and developed by Mon and Associates Technology Ltd, a registered company in Ghana.

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Learn smarter

Everything you need to learn online

We have got all the features that will help you learn virtually. Have more confidence in your hardwork by quizzing yourself.

Easy to maneuver interface with high speed loading to meet your demand within a short time.
It shields your personal information from intruders.
It gives you accessibility on an operating system (iOS, Android and Windows) and any smart phone or tablet.
Regular updates of content to keep pace with changing educational curricula, scientific innovations or customers demand.
Affordable Pricing

Our Pricing Plan

Simple no-trick pricing with great discount for your money. The more months you pay, the more discount applied.


GHS 15 / subject

Perfect for prolific learners and anyone needing just a short time.

All features

Free updates

3 Months access

Choose Basic

GHS 20 / subject

Perfect for everyone and anyone needing just a little extra time.

All features

Free updates

6 Months access

Choose Standard

GHS 30 / subject

Perfect for pragmatic learners and anyone needing more time.

All features

Free updates

12 Months access

Choose Professional

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Create an Account?

Please, click on the “No account yet? Sign Up” option below the Login provision on this page. Provide your full name under “Name”, your email address under “Email”, a password of your choice under “Password” and repeat the password under “Confirm Password”. Click on the “Sign UP” button (green bar) after you have filled out all the information required for signing up.

How to Subscribe?

At the top right corner of your home page is your initials, which is a dropdown. Click on it to display the items. Choose “Subscriptions” from the menu. Now click on “New Subscription” on the blank subscription page. Under “package” are two options: individual subscription and institutional subscription. Choose the option you want to subscribe for. Under “duration” are three options: 3 months subscription, 6 months subscription and 12 months subscription. Choose the duration you want. Next, click on the category of school that pertains to you (e.g., Primary/Basic School) and choose the level that applies to you (e.g., Basic Three). This will list all the subjects captured under the level. Now, click on the boxes (on the left hand of the subjects) of the subjects you want to subscribe for. Under “Amount” at the bottom of the page shows, the subscription fee you need to pay for your selection for the duration of your subscription. Inspect and click “Create Subscription” (green bar to the right) to submit your subscription to the LAAPP server.

How to Pay for Your Subscription?

Payment is made using phone. Please, dial *772*30#, then enter 1326001 as the merchant code and send. Next, choose option 1 if you want to pay using mobile money and option 2 if you want to pay with a Prudential Bank account. A request page for your subscription reference number will appear next. Please, inter exactly the reference number that was generated by the LAAPP system for your subscription and send. In the final stage, you choose 1 to confirm your payment and submit to the bank.

After the payment, your subscription status will change from “unpaid” to “paid” and you are now ready use the system.